
Family Sailing Equals Bonus Time

It’s a challenge in today’s world to create a sailing lifestyle for your family. There are so many time and budget constraints placed on a family; even more so now than ever. Sure, if you have the money to buy your own boat, you can erase one hurdle. But that introduces a new one to jump over. Rich or not, we are all time impoverished. SailTime solves both issues with aplomb. Now, you don’t have to own a boat to go sailing like you do. Nor do you have to settle for a smelly old used boat because you can’t afford a new one. The SailTime fleet of sailboats are less than five years old! When it comes to time, it’s always on your side at SailTime. We couldn’t put “time” in our name if we didn’t offer a huge sailing value.

Xmas family sailing

Here’s SailTime Channel Islands, California Members Mike and Deana Ruel with their three adult kids posing on the bow of their SailTime boat for their annual family holiday card. The sailing lifestyle brings families together. The Ruel kids are grown and scattered about. But when they get together, Papa Mike herds them to the boat for some serious sailing. I say serious, because Mike and Deana plan to buy a boat in the not-too-distant future and sail around the world. Mike is one of those guys who could easily own a boat and has in fact owned many. But he has found extreme value in the SailTime program because he gets to sail as much as he wants while he scours the world for the perfect cruiser. He doesn’t have to wait for “a” to happen before he can do “b”. He is already enjoying sailing with his family and when the time and the price is right he’ll get on with it. That’s the kind of people who populate the ranks of SailTime membership all around the country.

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