There never has been a better time to buy a new Hunter sailboat than now! Sure, there are Hunter sailboats for sale all across the country. But consider this; with our program, “Your Boat is Ready When You Are!” This is much more than just a cute tagline. It is our mission. We do all the work so you can have all the fun.
Hunter 50 Center Cockpit is the Queen of the fleet!
SailTime Boat Owners enjoy a charmed life. During the term in our program, you pay no slip fees, no insurance and no maintenance costs. Ask your dock-neighbor how much they pay for these essential pieces of boat ownership and you’ll soon see why this is the best thing going. Now, choose how much you want to sail – or how much you would like to earn each month. It all adds up to a great mari-time! Couple this with our 10th Anniversary “DreamBoat” promotion and you will understand why we say, there never has been a better time to buy!
Hunter 39 – big boat features in a sailboat under 40 feet
Maybe you live in Phoenix but want to sail in the Pacific. Or, perhaps you live in Hartford but long to sail in the Atlantic. No matter where you live, chances are there is a SailTime base near you or there is a base where you want to own a sailboat!
Just look at all the bases that want to add Hunter sailboats to their fleet this season:
- San Francisco: Wants to place a 33, 36, 39 and 41 on San Francisco Bay
- Ventura/Oxnard: The Channel Islands Harbor base is looking for two 33’s and a 36
- Marina del Rey: Needs a 41 and wants a 33 too
- Newport Beach: Needs three Hunter’s this year. Any size from 33 to 50
- San Diego: Looking for two sailboats right now – 33 and 39
- Boston: Is searching for 33, 36 or 39 owners
- New York City: Wants to add a 45 or a 50
- Toronto: Has three bases that need upwards of two 33’s and two 36’s
- Chicago: has two bases in need of two 33’s and one 36
- Jersey Shore: Wants to add a 33, 36 or 39 now
- Virginia Beach: Needs a 33 and 36 to add to its’ growing fleet
All SailTime Hunter sailboats come fully equipped and ready to go with state-of-the-art electronics and everything you would expect to find on a cruising yacht. Plus, our DreamBoat promo will help add anything else your heart desires. Contact your local base today to get all the details.