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Fractional Boat Membership

How Fractional Boat Membership Works

You as a “Member” will select a particular boat to operate, based on size, price, and availability. You will use the same boat every time as if it were your own. In fact, many members refer to their assigned boat as “my boat,” which means they are familiar with it and take better care of it than they might in a typical bareboat charter arrangement.
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What it Offers

Easy, Hassle-Free Membership

Each boat has a maximum of eight equivalent “Classic” memberships, which distributes the available time equally among Members throughout each month. You simply use the web-based calendar to select the times you want to sail, and your boat will be ready when you arrive. Once at the marina, you will inspect the boat to be sure it is ready, using the automated “Embark” system. Then go sailing, being sure to return in time to ready the boat for the next member.


Guaranteed Monthly Usage

SailTime offers guaranteed access to your boat every month. You can make reservations online up to one year in advance and can book additional free “as-available” sail times using your smartphone. “Classic” SailTime memberships allow a minimum of seven sail times per month and can get additional free sail times when reservations are made within 36 hours of the start time. “Lite” memberships get three sail times per month and “Premium” memberships get 14 sail times per month. Premium members can take the boat for up to seven continuous days and nights. With SailTime PLUS, members can rent boats at other SailTime locations at a mere fraction of the cost of regular bareboat chartering.


Minimum of 3 sail times per month
Cloud-based App with scheduler


Minimum of 7 sail times per month
Additional sail times when reservations are made with 36 hours of the start time
Cloud-based App with scheduler


Minimum of 14 sail times per month
Take the boat for up to 7 continuous days and nights
Additional sail times when reservations are made within 36 hours of the start time
Cloud-based App with scheduler

Seasonal (Annual) Memberships

SailTime Annapolis is open April through November, for a full season of Chesapeake Bay sailing.

Member agreements are structured as annual contracts, allowing you to join anytime during the season and still be ale to get a full season of sailing.

Paying for a full season up front enables significant discounts!

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In addition to the cruising sailboats, we also have several new Beneteau/ASA First 22 daysailers, which are used for basic training and are now available for seasonable memberships as w