

Check out the SailTime App


Embark Mobile

SailTime offers Embark Mobile for scheduling, check-on and check-off. Just tap the app and sail it like you own it!

Just Tap the App and Sail it Like You Own it!

Embark Homepage Mobile

Control of Your Membership in the Palm of Your Hand

Utilizing Embark Mobile, members can access their boat calendar from anywhere to make or change reservations.

  • Get more out of your membership by swapping sail times with other members or joining a waitlist for a future time.
  • Track your sailing achievements and earn badges. View your sailing certifications and locations sailed all from your mobile device.
  • When arriving at the boat for a scheduled sail time, members use Embark to check-on the boat, reporting any maintenance items that need to be addressed. This checklist reminds members to check the boat and safety equipment prior to heading out of the slip.
  • Upon return, members check-off the boat using the same simple checklist format. You can upload photos, or even call the base manager to directly from Embark.
  • Share photos from your recent sail and access important boat documents all from the same place.

This simple platform makes it even easier to have your boat ready when you are!