SailTime Chicago recently learned that one of their favorite members was not renewing his membership. Robert wasn’t unhappy with the program but he found that after introducing his wife and 3 young daughters to sailing, they wanted even more! They want to be on the boat every weekend, and he couldn’t be happier. So they purchased a brand new Hunter 36 and plan on a lifetime of memories ahead.
[caption id="attachment_2625" align="alignnone" width="275"]
Leptich family sailing on SailTime Chicago’s Eagle Ray[/caption]
Robert had this to say about his 2 years of membership:
Two years ago I signed up for SailTime’s ASA Basic Keelboat, Coastal Cruising, and Bareboat Charter courses after receiving course information from my local SailTime base (I had provided my email address at Strictly Sail Chicago earlier that year). The SailTime instructors were fantastic. Jim (Stewart) and Colby (Millea) were extremely knowledgeable, professional and able to work with students of all abilities and levels of experience.I was so impressed with the courses and the overall operation that upon completion of the courses, I signed up for a SailTime membership. The membership made it so easy to go sailing with minimal hassles that we signed up again the following year. Their fleet is well equipped and maintained, and any issues are addressed promptly by the staff. You really can just get on the boat and go sailing.My biggest surprise was how much my 11 and 13 year old daughters enjoyed sailing and spending time on the boat. So much so, that this year we decided to purchase our own sailboat. Since I was a teenager myself, I always wanted to sail larger boats. SailTime made it easy and economical to get started. I highly recommend the Chicago SailTime team. Hope to see you on Lake Michigan!
-Robert Leptich & FamilyThis is exactly why SailTime exists! You have an interest in sailing. You take lessons. You love it. You ease your family into sailing with SailTime membership. They love it. Now you decide if you want to be a SailTime lifer, or take the plunge and buy “The Family Boat”. Either way, sailing can be an activity that bonds your family together! Fair winds, Robert. We’ll see you on the lake. [caption id="attachment_2621" align="alignnone" width="201"]