
Day 3 and we are heading to Jost Van Dyke for the day

Another beautiful morning here at the Bitter End Yacht Club and Patrick is at again in the galley with the bacon.  Jen is going to make pancakes this morning for the crew.  We are planning a chart briefing with all the Captain’s at 9:30 am and then a 10:15 or so departure.  Had lots of fun last night as Chris Tucker, Colin and Roby Hyde arrived by Saba Rock along with Leigh, Jonathan, Andrew, Andy and Nigel from SailTime Europe.  The gang is all here and we are looking forward to a good long downwind sail today to JVD where we will visit Foxy’s for a after dinner libation.  Our boats are dressed up for the trip with flags and banners so they are easy to spot.

st flag

We also had the pleasure of meeting many of the 2008 National Offshore One Design folks who showed up yesterday.  They have about 10 boats lined up on the dock here with several folks that we know like Christian from Hampton Roads.


Stand by for more to come….


Submitted by sailtime on Fri, 11/14/2008 – 12:49.

After getting underway we had a long, smooth and uneventful sail downwind for about 4-5 hours.  We had a 10-12 knot breeze with following seas.  There was a lot of reading and hanging out on the boat.  Ryan did a nice job of spanking in a pretty quick game of chess.  We sailed wing on wing most of the way towards Jost Van Dyke.


George at the helm while sailing wing on wing which was easier than usual with a pretty steady wind speed and direction.

Later that day as we approached Sandy Spit we happened upon Red Sky which is a 100+ foot Swan owned by a friend of mine.  This boat is a beauty!  She was Majestic on the Horizon as she approached us on a port tack.  Her gleaming red hull gave her away.  She dutifully sailed past us doing about 10 knots on a beam reach and we had to snap a pic.

red sky

Upon arriving at Great Harbor on JVD we dropped an anchor.  I took that opportunity to visit with our flotilla boats and share a beer and stories for the day.  After eating aboard where we bar-b-q’d some chicken, mushrooms and other salads we headed ashore for a few drinks at Foxies and other bars along the beach.  The tradition at Foxies is that a shirt, flag or something is left behind as part of the decor.  We had all of our crew sign a shirt.  Here Diana Anderson signs a SailTime Crew shirt…

diana shirt

After the shirt was signed by everyone we looked for a good place to hang it and so that anyone coming to Foxy’s would see it.

foxy shirt

After looking around for a bit we also found a N2C flag from a 2007 version of the N2C trip…This was a trip lead by SailTime Channel Islands and Chris Tucker.


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