Sailing School
Learn to Sail With SailTime!

SailTime University
We are an ASA-Certified training facility that has been recognized as an Outstanding School!
SailTime San Francisco members and non-members will appreciate the quality sailing education provided in conjunction with the internationally recognized American Sailing Association (ASA).
Whether you are a novice or a seasoned sailor, our experienced instructors will tailor your training and sailboat orientation to your specific skill level. We strive to provide top-notch instruction, in a highly personalized environment, according to your schedule. Our goal is to make you knowledgeable, prepared, and confident to command your SailTime yacht.
Accelerate Skills Development
Experiential Education
By limiting sailing classes size, our sailing school students have the unique opportunity to more time at the helm. We train you on the yacht on which you are a member, to ensure that you become comfortable with the intimate workings of your particular vessel. Regardless of the size boat you sail, or the level of ASA training you require, we will provide you with “tips and tricks” that go above and beyond the ASA course material.
Captain Chris (recently awarded ASA’s Outstanding Instructor of 2010) and Captain Lisa (SailTime San Francisco’s Owner/Operator) are United States Coast Guard Licensed Captains. They are similar to the pros at the local golf club. Their role is to be available to you and your family for private or semi-private coaching lessons.
As in any sport, we all need to brush up on our skills or improve on them. Our captains are available for coaching on board your fractional sailing yacht. Therefore, much the same as you would a golf instructor; you have your own personal sailing instructor!
ASA 101 Course
Students learn to sail a boat of about 20 feet in length in moderate winds and sea conditions in familiar waters without supervision.
ASA 103 Course
Students will learn to skills to perform as skipper or crew of a 30-50 foot boat by sailing in coastal waters.