
Miami Goes “Overboard With Fun” In its First Annual Bimini Adventure Flotilla

The Miami Base recently hosted its “First Annual Bimini Adventure Flotilla”. Twelve intrepid SailTime Miami members, (aboard two Hunter 36 sailboats), departed Miami at midnight and crossed the Gulf Stream together. Sailing through the night, we arrived in Bimini, Bahamas, before noon the next day.


Members had a choice of live-aboard accommodations; or opt for luxurious lodging at the beautiful Bimini Sands Resort. Daily sailing excursions around Bimini  included a “snorkeling safari” at lovely Honeymoon Harbor on Gun Cay; where huge spotted-leopard rays silently appeared out of the briny depths, effortlessly gliding by.

They dove the sunken “concrete ship”, filled with  neon-colored tropical fish and a big, mean-looking Barracuda. Members searched for the infamous “Bimini Road”, rumored to be evidence of the “Lost City of Atlantis”, but never did find it. An unexpected delight was when a pod of wild dolphins joined the snorkeling party and swam with them for about an hour.


About every three days, one SailTime Member group would depart and another arrived via daily flights from Miami. Base Owner, Susan Everhard and son, Rusty, age 4, kept  busy prepping the boats for each new arriving SailTime guest. The final leg of the trip was sailing back to Miami, a brisk downwind sail in glorious sea conditions.

Stay tuned for the next “SailTime Miami Adventure Flotilla”, featuring “Fantasy Fest in Key West”, the last week of October 2009.

SailTime Members from other bases are always welcome in Miami!

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