
San Francisco Bay

Go Sailing Affordably on New Yachts


  • Guaranteed Sailing
  • Flexible Scheduling
  • New Model Yachts


  • Monthly Revenue
  • Professional Yacht Management
  • Sail Your Boat 14 Times/Month

Sailing School

  • Learn to Sail Safely
  • Logically Sequenced Curriculum
  • ASA Certifications

Fleet Rates

  • Modern Design Sailboats
  • Luxurious and Comfortable
  • Efficient and Easy to Sail
SailTime Membership

Sail All Season Long For an Easy Monthly Fee

SailTime members select a sailboat from our local fleet, the marina location that suits them best, and the membership level that matches the amount of time they want to create their own sailing calendar.

Fractional Sailing

Fractional sailing is the best way to sail a world-class sailboat for less than the price of a slip and maintenance.  Financially structured similar to a lease, our program is designed so that you feel like you are sailing on your own boat.  We limit the number of members per sailboat so that we can guarantee your monthly sailing time.  Once you have mastered the right skills and certifications, you can single hand, sail at night and take the boat for extended weekends.

Sailtime san francisco logo

News & Updates

Read the latest news and updates from SailTime. Check out articles, insights, care and maintenance tips, and more. For even more content and information, click the link below.
Adventure Awaits

Sail It Like You Own It!

Get more info now to learn about joining SailTime in your local area. You are on the right track to an Easy, Affordable and Smart way of getting on the water!